Newborn, Wedding and Family Photographer

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Tuesday Ten | Younique by Natali

7:00 AM Posted by Stacey ,
I love guest bloggers and I'm excited to share today's Tuesday Ten Post with you. I met Natali through my sister Shayna back in the Fall. Natali was putting together an online Facebook Holiday Party for local vendors to showcase and provide people a fun and easy way to purchase gifts for the Holidays. She rocked that group. She was super organized and did an amazing job! I was asked her if she'd write a Tuesday Ten Post on Younique and she obliged. So without further introduction, here's today's Tuesday Ten Post! 
Hello, Hello!

I am so excited that Stacey asked me to guest blog The Tuesday Ten for this week. I'm totally grateful to her for giving me the opportunity to tell you all about one of my favorite companies ever...

I'll quickly tell you a little about myself before I move on to the good stuff! My name is Natali. I grew up in Cache Valley in the tiny little town of Avon and now live in Logan with my super handsome husband Chad and my darn sweet floppy-eared Bassett Hound named Macy. I graduated last year from Utah State with a degree in FCHD. I currently work as a CNA on Mom Baby at our local hospital and I'm also known as "Teacher Natali", one day a week at All Academy Preschool. I thrive on adventure, doing anything outdoors, jamming out to music, going on long road trips with my hubby, spending time with my family and friends, and sleeping in on my days off.

I feel like I’m always getting asked the question, "So now that you have your degree, what are you going to do with it?”. That is a good question, my friends! Unfortunately, there aren't many jobs available in my degree where I live. The ones that are available are things I really don't want to do or they don't pay enough for me to want to quit my current job.
Totally awesome, right?

My husband is still in school, and he probably will be until the end of the world (at least it feels like it), so after I graduated, I decided that I needed to find another job (on top of my current one) so that he could work less hours and be able to focus on school. I didn't have luck finding one that would work around my job and my life so I just kind of gave up on looking.

About 6 months ago, I got an invite on Facebook to my friend’s “ONLINE 3D MASCARA LASH BASH!” Honestly, that’s something I would've usually just pushed off to the side, never to be thought of again. But…I was actually in the market for a new mascara. I have super sensitive eyes and had been having problems with my vision for like the last 2 years. My eyes were always itching, which made my vision blurry and I just couldn't figure it out. Long story short—I figured out it was my mascara and so I started trying out different kinds. No luck. I watched intently as posts were being made on this party and after a few days, I decided to give it a try!

Another long story short-- I tried the mascara and LOVED IT. No itchy watery eyes. NO blurry vision. And my lashes looked AMAZING! I randomly started thinking about signing up to be a presenter, which is completely insane, because I don’t really like salespeople. Seriously, please don’t think I am psycho but every time I put this mascara on, I just kept getting this feeling it was something I was suppose to do…so I did it!
I signed up to be a presenter!

Now that I have most likely put you to sleep with my story, let’s cut straight to the chase! Here are my top 10 most favorite things about Younique!

1. Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lash Mascara

Of course, I had to start with the mascara! This stuff should seriously be illegal! It’s hypoallergenic and is water resistant! It is naturally based, so it contains no crazy chemicals and it can lengthen your lashes up to 300%! I also think it does an amazing job at making my lashes look thicker and fuller! The best part is that you apply it just like regular mascara! It’s as easy as that!

2. The “Love It” Guarantee

Younique is confident enough in their products, that they offer a 14 day guarantee on all purchases. If you buy a product and end up hating it after you try it (which probably will never happen), you can send it back for a full refund! Yes, you heard me right! You can send USED products back to Younique and they will hand over your money. Just like that!

3. High Quality, Naturally-Based Products

All of our products are top notch quality and are naturally based, which means you are not putting insane chemicals on your eyes or skin! Hallelujah! I use to think it was crazy to pay $29 for a mascara but now, I realize quality does matter and you really do get what you pay for. If you want $5 mascara, then that’s what you’ll get. It’s totally worth the money to me to not have itchy, irritated eyes all day. Some of my favorite products include the 3D Mascara, Mineral Eye Pigments, Glorious Eye Primer, BB Cream and Illuminate Facial Cleanser! I swear by them! They also just announced 6 new products coming out in March—Beachfront Bronzer, Cream Eye Shadows, Eye Makeup Remover, Blending Buds, and the one I’m most excited about…Lip Stains!!!! For the November “Kudos” (I’ll explain about this later on) they offered this Lip Stain, just in one color and oh my gosh, it’s the best! They now are offering 7 different colors! It goes on like lipgloss, but creates a matte look almost like your natural lip and stays on for hours! You need this! Watch for it when it comes out in May! (I will be taking pre-orders!)

4. Working from Anywhere

Literally, I can run my Younique business from anywhere that I am, as long as I have an internet or cell phone connection. That is AWESOME! It provides so much flexibility and it’s the perfect opportunity for those seeking an extra source of income. You aren’t having to show up to a second job or put in tons of extra hours in the week. You can work on you business when it’s convenient for you, anywhere in the whole wide world.

5. Paydays

With Younique, every day is payday! We get paid 3 hours after every sale we make! If that’s not amazing, I don’t know what is! Each presenter receives a Younique Debit Card and their commissions are automatically deposited onto their card! Royalties from your team are deposited on the 8th of every month as well! It’s AWESOME!

6. Virtual Parties

K, honestly, don’t you think hosting home parties is like totally old school? I do! Times have changed and it’s time we bring the parties to where everyone is…Social Media! This is one thing that got me hooked on selling Younique. I can have a party going, without having to go anywhere. That also means, no stock, fees or overhead for me! It totally benefits the party hostess as well because she doesn’t have to cook, clean, or stress about entertaining her friends!

7. Endless Connections

With virtual parties, come endless connections. I think people who do direct sales are always worried about keeping or finding customers. Because we use social media, as a home base for our parties, we are not so limited to where or who we sell to. Our hostess invites all her Facebook friends to her party, they end up ordering, and then they love it so much that they want to throw their own party (cause seriously, how easy is it really???) and then it’s just like a chain reaction! At first, I started out doing parties for a lot of people I already knew, but within my first few months, I was doing parties for people I didn’t even know. Some who lived thousands of miles away from me. The opportunities really are endless and that’s what keeps me going!

8. Incentives

Younique takes care of their presenters, guys! They are constantly offering incentives to their presenters, to keep us going! Sometimes doing Direct Sales can be rough, so it’s nice to have something to motivate us! I am currently working towards earning a FREE cruise to Jamaica for me and my hubby and I’m getting closer and closer each day! (Oh…did I mention if you sign up to be a presenter before February 14th that you automatically get 1500 points to go towards earning the cruise?? Um yeah…I don’t even have 1500 points yet! That is an amazing dealio, ladies!) On top of the trips and spontaneous incentives, they also have a killer compensation plan that keeps you motivated to keep going! You cannot fail in this business unless you give up! If you’d like to know more about it, I would love to talk to you about it!

9. Monthly Kudos

Oh, did I mention that Younique also likes to take care of their customers and hostesses (<--- is this a real word?)?? Every month they release a new kudos as an incentive to you guys! It might be a discount on a product, or incentives to host parties! This month, you ladies are in luck because they are offering both of those things! We’ve got a special going on our “Love it” Bundle which would make the perfect Valentine’s Day gift and DOUBLE PARTY POINTS for hostesses!!! That means you receive double the free product and double the half off items that you originally would if you decided to host a party any other month of the year! That right there is amazing! I have never seen a better Kudos offered, than this one, so take advantage of it while you can!

10. My Y-Family

This probably will sound cheesy, but, what I didn't realize when I signed up to sell Younique, was that I was being adopted into a “Y-Family”. I was instantly added to tons of support groups for presenters on Facebook, my sponsor was PMing me all the time to make sure I had the resources and answers I needed to be successful, and I seriously was just amazed by all the support I felt from all of these ladies I didn’t even really know! I love messaging the other gals on my team, just to share a laugh for the day! I truly feel connected to these women and I just love it! I have met some incredible people through this company and we will be “Y-Sister’s” for life. We have a dang good time, doing something we love! You won’t know what I mean, unless you join my team! (I am totally a poet!) I just had to include a few pics of my Y-Sister’s because they just make me smile.

Thanks for hanging out with me! I hope I didn't bore you to death! If you are interested in hearing more about the Younique opportunity or would like to order some products or host a party (you’ll earn double hostess points, this month only!) you can check out my website at or you can email me at

Because I love all of you wonderful people, I will be offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders placed through me from now until February 8th! That saves you $5.50! If you would like to order, please EMAIL me your order no later than 6PM on the 8th! Do not place your order on my website! Keep in mind that Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and that all of our products would make fantastic gifts for any woman in your life!

Thanks again to Stacey for featuring me on her blog! You are the bomb diggity!