Newborn, Wedding and Family Photographer

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Love... It's in the Air | Logan Utah Photographer

7:00 AM Posted by Stacey , ,

Valentine's Day. Awe the day known for love. I have always secretly loved valentine's day. Not for receiving gifts or for celebrating the love in my life but for seeing the love of others. I have been so blessed in my life to be surrounded by people that love me, love my family, support me and love my work. I have been especially blessed the last few years on my journey with Photography by Stacey Moss and I have met some amazing people. Among meeting those amazing individuals, families, and couples, I've seen how the love of others is contagious and rubs off on me and my work... and for that I'm truly thankful!

I wanted to take this valentine's day and share some of my favorite couples and the photographs I've been privileged to take of them. This in no way encompasses everyone I wanted to share with you but just a mere glimpse of the LOVE my clients have. So sorry to all those that I didn't pick, it was super hard!  Though a few of these I took before my Photography Business was official, they truly have impacted me in my life. 

Happy Valentine's Day!