Newborn, Wedding and Family Photographer

Friday, January 17, 2014

Winter Wonderland Fun

I've been asked why I love taking pictures in the winter and snow, so I figured I'd write a blog post about my winter wonderland fun. Snow is beautiful, at least if it isn't foggy out which in Cache Valley can be hard to avoid. You don't need just the right day to take photos in the snow like a lot of people think. I've done photos on any day from clear skies and sunny to overcast to snowing. That's the magic of the snow, it works in so many situations. Some days making pictures in the winter months and outside can be very challenging: everyone is cold, my hands start to freeze, my feet get soaked, and some of my favorite places are hard to get to when covered in snow... but on those days when I'm headed out to do a winter session I just bundle up and take the pain because I always look forward to editing winder wonderland pictures. 

I posted on Facebook last week that I was running a Winter Special: (Found Here) . That Special was supposed to end tomorrow but I'm going to extend it until the end of January. And instead of 25% off a session I'll do this: Buy One Get One 1/2 off. One session must be used by the end of February 2014 and the other is yours to use until December 1st or give to a Friend or whatever you chose to. I really want to show my clients that taking photos in the snow can be fun and beautiful. Here are some of my favorites and the post below also has some fun winter photos! 


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