Newborn, Wedding and Family Photographer

Thursday, September 15, 2016

McKenzie 1 Year | Utah Children Photographer

That FACE! Oh my goodness. McKenzie is seriously adorable. I have LOVED capturing memories for the Malone Family for years. Their extended family was my very first family I did pictures for 5 years ago. I look back on those pictures and think, wow, what was I thinking? But then look at me now. They have stuck with me and supported me through all these years and I seriously cherish them for that. Plus they are like family. They are my brother-in-laws family. Heather is seriously a fun lady and I have worked with her on a couple of session for her amazing make up skills! (Check those out here and here) We took Rylee's one year cake smash about 2 years ago. It's amazing to see how similar these sisters look and how much my style has changed. Plus, ironic that we used a couple of the same backdrops for both of their sessions! I love that. 
When we scheduled McKenzie's first year session and cake smash I was thrilled! Plus, super thankful they came all the way from Syracuse to see me. She wanted a purple theme so that's just what we did. My normal cake lady was on vacation so Heather decided to make the cake herself. SERIOUSLY. I loved the butterflies and the cake was awesome. McKenzie sure loved it and the cake itself was purple even. Heather rocked it and so did little lady. 

We started out capturing some giggles, smiles and her beautiful personality. Grandma, Nana, Mom and sister all were big helpers to ensure we got McKenzie smiling! It was awesome having so much help. She was adorable and I'm totally loving every single photo! I especially love the silver background. It is one of my all time favorite if not my favorite background I own. This little gem sure loved my little white rocking chair. Once we used it for the first photos she wasn't too sure about using any other prop. I should learn to use it last since all the kids love it so much! It's just so comfortable and fun! 

Thanks again Malone Family. Your two girls are so beautiful and sweet. I sure loved seeing you all again! 

Photographer: Stacey Hansen Photography
Cake: Heather Malone, Mom
White Chair: Steve Hawkes (Stacey's Dad)
Onsie & Skirt: Target


Posted by Stacey - Photographer at Stacey Hansen Photography!
Stacey Hansen is a Logan Utah Newborn, Wedding and Family Photographer. She loves meeting new clients, capturing the personalities within her clients and sharing her love of photography with others.

From the Photographer: Growing up in Cache Valley was awesome, and I'm still here so I guess that means I love it! I'm happily married to my best friend and love his little girl, Kira. Photography has always been a passion of mine and I continue to love every chance I get to preserve memories through my lens.

From the Blogger: I am a small town girl now living in Logan and loving it. I have an amazing husband and the sweetest little boy. I love to travel, dance and be outdoors but most of all I love spending time with my Family!
**in 2015 we changed from Photography by Stacey Moss to Stacey Hansen Photography. 
We will still honor all gift cards from Photography by Stacey Moss until the their expiration date**

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Logan Utah Family Photographer | Cache Valley Family Photographer
Logan Utah Newborn Photographer | Cache Valley Newborn Photographer | Utah Newborn Photographer


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